
+{DAn} Case Morpheme (Argument Structure And Semantic Roles Of Predicators).
+{DAn} case morpheme, which is called ablative etc. in traditional grammar, establishes syntactic and semantic relationships beyond morphology. One of the functions of + {DAn} case morphemes is to establish a syntactic relationship between verbs and nouns. In this study, linguistic approaches such as argument structure, case grammar and semantic roles were utilized. Verbs predicating +{DAn} case morpheme to the nouns in the syntax structure and the argument structures of these verbs were determined. The semantic roles of these names in the deep structure were determined. In this study, 817 meanings of 511 identified verbs was determined and taken as basis. The identified verbs are exemplified suitably scanning written in the republic period in such genres like novels, stories, poems, plays, memoirs, travel writings and tales etc. As a result of the study +{DAn}; +{I} ve +{DAn}; +{DAn} ve +{A}; +{I}, +{DAn} ve +{A} argument structures were determined and source, reason, content/theme, stimulus, path, material, beneficiary, sayer and measure roles were determined. Keywords: +{DAn} case morpheme, argument structure, semantic role

Anahtar Kelimeler
+{DAn} case morpheme, argument structure, semantic role