
The Physician Ömer Şifâî, Who Lived In The 18th Century and His Work Mecmûa-i Tıbbîye
Many medical texts were written during the Ottoman period. Physicians have created these texts in their knowledge and experience. Most of the texts are written in the field of pharmaceutical science. In addition, there are works written in the field of surgery. Only dictionaries related to medicine were also written. Such studies are valuable for showing the medical understanding of the period. It is also important for research in the history of medicine. For this reason, researches of historical medical texts are increasing today. There are many field of study in the works which have different copies in the libraries of writing works. In this case, it is necessary to examine each work in detail. The works have a rich structure for the language of the period, medicine, vocabulary and other subject areas. In this work, the physician Ömer Şifâî, who lived in the 18th century, will be introduced and his work will be examined in Mecmûa-i Tıbbîye. Ömer Şifâî is among the famous doctors of the time. He has written works both on copyright and on translation. Among these works, there are also 9-leaf Mecmûa-i Tıbbîye. Although this work is a short text, it increases the importance of rich vocabulary. The work was written as a dictionary. This shows that the period is useful for examining medical terms. After giving information about the life and works of the physician, information about the internal and external structure of the work will be given. The language of the work, its contributions in terms of medical terms and similar elements will be evaluated. Other similar and different aspects of the period will be determined.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Ömer Şifâî, Mecmûa-i Tıbbîye, Ottoman