
Discourse Of The Maarifname In The Grip Of Anatomopolitics And Biopower
Sinan Pasha, one of the leading statesmen and writers of the 15th century, is known for being the founder of the artistic prose language. Tazarruname is his most well-known work in this context. Besides Tazarruname, Sinan Pasha has two other works, Maarifname and Tezkiretü’l-Evliya. Among these, Maarifname has a special importance in terms of diversity of subjects and includind a lot of information. It is possible to consider the work which can be evaluated in the general moral books in line with the development of Turkish political thought due to its determination in the social and political field. In this study, the political aspect of the work is tried to be evaluated in the light of the conceptions of anatomopolitics and biopower introduced by the French thinker Michel Foucault. In this context, it is aimed to determine the reflection area of these forms of power, specific to Maarifname in Turkish culture which Foucault systematized after the 17th century, by centralizing Western societies in Turkish culture. Here, oppressive and disciplining aspect of power is intended with the concept of anatomopolitics; as to the term biopower, the regulatory aspect is intended. The appearances of these conceptualizations in the Maarifname, which include a nationality that power is trying to realize through the human body; have been discussed within the frame of analogies, distinctions, harmony and conflicts that occur with Foucault’s determinations. Reflected from the discourse of Maarifname, which is located in a different circle with Foucault's field of study in terms of period and culture, a number of phenomena such as discipline, killing, letting go to death, survival, sexuality, which form the politics of the human body, were examined in terms of subject and power relations.

Anahtar Kelimeler
anatomopolitics, biopower, Maarifname, political thought, discourse analysis.