
Nebati: As the Last Sufi Poet of Classical Azerbaijan Literature
The article studies Seyid Abdulgasim Nabati, one of the last members of Sufi poetry of the 19 th century in Azerbaijan literature. One of the outcomes was a close attention to learning his poetic heritage and its main characteristic features, his Sufi approaches, contradictions in his works, as well as his life and times. Here we review various similar and controversial opinions which were said about the author, and show findings more accurately and scientifically in five paragraphs. At the same time, we convey Tasawwuf, which occupied the important place in the adornment of character, and in the so-called system of moral and spiritual values, its functions in the 19th century, and its influence in the literature and relatively in Nabati’s poetry. The poet lived a sad life, and contradictions and contrarieties were the factors characterizing his worldview since he lived in the chaotic period of the Qajar dynasty. Presumably, for this reason, some researchers also observed and studied his life from a different perspective obeying a body of principles consistent with Soviet ideology. In this article, we observed the approaches of the researchers and studied their works from different angles. Using objective poetry analysis, we investigated Nebati’s poems, tried to depict the “portrait” of his literary creativity, and show his inward dimensions of Tasawwuf (Islamic mysticism) practice. Quantitative metric Bahri is an innovation brought to the literature by Nabati, dedicated to the chanting of the beauties of nature, human love. Closer inspection shows that Nabati’s poetic heritage and his genre influenced many classical models, and also M.A. Sabir’s poetry.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Tasawwuf, Sufi, bahri-tavil, divine and worldly love