
The issue of time in Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar’s novel “Institut of Time” according to Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of kronotop
The presented article is an attempt to establish the writer’s attitude towards The issue of time in Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar’s novel “Institut of Time”according to Mikhail Bakhtin’s thepry of kronotop. Unlike the writers of the same period, Tanpinar’s creative work is saturated with thinking about the concept of time and determining whether the subject is a passive recipient of the universe or not, whether the subject himself regulates time or time stays beyond him. The writer shares the subjectivist theory of time. He supports the idea of time duration, which is developed at the level of the subject and is indivisible. The issue of determining the fiction time and space, represented by two dichotomous forms at the level of the fiction text, is also discussed. The temporal-spatial models of the fiction time help us to determine which is dominant – time or space in the works of a particular epoch. In Turkish literature of the 20th century, and especially in the works of the first part of the Republic Period, time is dominant. For Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, the temporal triad – past, present and future – is perceived as one entire chain, the events are characterized by consequentiality, a particular event is comprehended by the subject simultaneously, i.e. the past event is prospectively projected into the present. Besides, I think that while comprehending the past, present and future, the writer resorts to a symbolic way, the mentioned physical time is determined in specific characters. The novel has a form of memoirs, has an auctor narrator, who, at first glance, appreciates the events from the outside perspective, though, he himself is the direct participant of the main events. The reader gets acquainted with any event or character by means of the narrator, so, the attitude of the protagonist himself toward the time and understanding whether he is able or not to develop inner, subjective time, which can set him free from the everyday life frames and gives him a possibility to create alternative time, is very important. In the novel hours represent the material expression of the time of everyday life. Time periods do not change easily and this change also determines the internal transformation of a character. The writer, while determining space, uses compressed and expanded space. While determining compressed, narrow time we can see particular places, like a coffee house. The coffee house, at a glance, expresses narrow, compressed space, but the time running in it is wide and uninterrupted. The analysis of the time-space models in the work gives us a possibility to conclude that in a symbolic way they are important strategists of progress or regress of thinking of the society.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Time and Place, Mihael Bahtin Theory of Kronotop, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar’s Novel “Institute of Time”,