
On the Münşeat Registired in the Süleymaniye Library Whose Number is 3326
In Ancient Turkish Literature, the Works including all types of artistic prose, primarily letter, are called münşeat. Although researchers made different types of descriptions about this specific type of art, it is possible to basically separate münşeat into two groups. The first group of münşeat involves theoretical information about writing letter and real or symbolic examples of letters. The second group of works consists no theoretical information, simply includes letter samples. Münşeat presented and analyzed in this article is registered to Süleymaniye Library Esad Effendi No 3326, and it is an example that can be put into the first category. Besides, letter samples aren’t put into a single category in this work; instead, prosaic and poetic examples are presented to writers in different sections of letters such as iftitâh, duâ, hâtime. There are words referring to rank and titles in different sections of the work. There is no example of Turkish poem in poetic sections of the work; there are only Arabic and Persian poem examples. Turkish meanings of the Arabic and Persian words in münşeat are presented at the end of the work and short explanations are made. As there is no information about the writer or the date, it was impossible to determine the author or the period of the work. In this work, the copy of the work is introduced and then information about the content of the work is presented.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Classical Turkish Literature, Prose, Münşeat, Letter.