
The Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup of İbnü’l Hakkı Mehmed Tahir as a Social Criticism Case of the Second Constitutional Era

Many intellectual, political, literary, scientific, and socio-communal work were written with the proclamation of the second constitutional era of the Ottoman Empire and the following period as a consequence of the liberty of the press. One of these which attracted attention due to its socio-communal content is Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup, published by Ibnu’l Hakki Mehmed Tahir in 1328 (1912/1913). Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup, can be evaluated as a literary letter and characterized as a social criticism. While it is a small-volume work, it addresses an important point of view in a fictional frame about social appearances and the social panorama after the second constitutional era. The work is also considered important as it does not reflect an ideological perspective but rather offers a woman-centered view to the Ottoman Empire in a pragmatic and practical manner. The first section of this study addresses the second constitutional era, Ibnu’l Hakki Tahir, and the Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup. Then, in the analysis section, Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup, of Ibnu’l Hakki Tahir is examined with a critical view. After concluding the study with general results about the work, Hanımlarımıza Mahremâne Bir Mektup, is presented to the attention of the readers and researchers by transliterating it into Latin letters.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Turkish Literature, Ibnu’l Hakki Mehmed Tahir, the Second Constitutional Era, Women
