
Bilinçdışının Labirentinde Dolaşan Bir Flanözün Romanı: Kozmik Komedya

It is seen that the cities, which received intense immigration and changed appearance with the industrial revolution in the West, formed the working and bourgeois class, as well as a type of person like the flaneur, who opposed speed, work and change, based on traveling, walking, observation and slowness. . It is claimed that the concept of flanör, which was used for the first time by Baudelaire and later developed by Walter Benjamin, has a masculine counterpart as a result of being used as people who think, observe, and reveal their knowledge and experience through works of art while walking around the city in crowds. Approaching flannel in a sexist context, on the other hand, reveals the flannel figure, which has a feminine meaning, by expressing that women can also freely wander around the city, observe, have knowledge and carry their knowledge into works. In this sense, it is possible to say that Yıldız Ecevit's novel Cosmic Comedy (2021), inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy, tells about the unconscious journey of a flanoise in order to acquire knowledge and make sense of his existence. Ecevit opposes the collection of acts such as wandering, observing, thinking and reading in a masculine identity in the novel, and shows that she also has a feminine identity through a female character she calls Lace. He claims that Lace wrote the "novel of knowledge" by taking into consideration the poets, writers and thinkers of the West and the East, with his unconscious journey. In the study, on the first level, information about flaneur (flaneur) and flaneous will be given, then the conversations and observations of Lace with the characters she encounters in fictional places called "hell", "purgatory" and "paradise" will be mentioned.


Flanous, flaneur (flaneur), knowledge, unconscious, Dante, journey, existence.
