
Âlî’nin Pendnâme Tercümesinin Söz Varlığının Eski Anadolu Türkçesi Unsurları ve Eskicil Öğeler Açısından İncelenmesi

The works of the Classical Turkish Literature period, in which the influence and traces of the oriental culture are seen, have attracted the attention of researchers from the beginning; These works, which bear the traces of the social and cultural life of the period, have been a wide and rich field of research for linguistics and literature researchers. These words, which belong to Old Anatolian Turkish and are called "archaic" in these works, are among the subjects that language researchers find worth examining in terms of examining the etymological structure of the words that make up the vocabulary. Pendnâme translations, many examples of which are seen in the period of classical Turkish literature, are among the works that attract the attention of researchers and are the basis of examination in terms of their literary features as well as the vocabulary and language features used. Âlî's Pendnâme translation, Tercüme-i Manzume-i Attar, which is one of Attar's verse translations, will also be examined in terms of vocabulary in this study; In particular, the old Anatolian Turkish words in the work will be emphasized, and the archaic words and suffixes in the text will be discussed.


Old Anatolian Turkish, Âlî, Pendnâme, archaic elements.
