
Değerleri Duyan Bir İnsan Olarak Memduh Şevket Esendal

In order to better understand Memduh Şevket Esendal, a powerful story and novel writer who introduced Chekhov-style stories to our literature, as a person, his life and works were examined. The science of "human philosophy" (philosophical anthropology) was used to understand Esendal as a human being. As a matter of fact, according to philosophical anthropology, human beings are understood in terms of their conditions of existence. The strongest of these conditions of existence of the human being, who has seventeen conditions of existence, is his existence that feels values. People determine and manage their actions with a sense of value. He cannot make a choice and take action without a sense of value. Based on this strong influence, the "sense of value" condition of existence was taken as basis in the study while examining Esendal in the context of his life and works. With this condition of existence, the person who acts, knows, wants and behaves was examined. As a result of this study, it was determined that Esendal, who loved life and people, was a person who felt and defended high values with this feature. When his life is examined, it is clearly seen that he is a person who takes a stand for high values. Esendal, with his identity as a writer, entrusts his words to the narrator under the fiction technique. Thus, Esendal, who manages and directs the narrator, says that a person can only be human when he takes a stand for high values; He believes that people who take a stance towards instrumental values are acting outside of being human. By reflecting this feature in his works, he clearly reveals his presence that feels and defends high values.


Memduh Şevket Esendal, human philosophy, conditions of existence, high values
