
Yozgatlı Şair Muttalip Taş’ın Şiirlerinde Eğitim Fikri

The poetry book of poet Muttalip Taş, born in Yozgat in 1965, who is a well-equipped educator as well as a poet, titled "Ay Bizde Masal Dinler", consists of poems she wrote for children. In the book, which was written in a style suitable for child psychology and in a language and expression that children can easily understand, the poet meticulously instills certain ideas, feelings and values in children; It produces a remarkable work in terms of language, form and description. Muttalip Taş's experiences in both his academic life and teaching profession are important in the context of life-literature relationship. The human values he wants to impart to children in his poems, which reflect the knowledge he acquired in his education and training life, are of particular importance.The poems he wrote in syllabic meter are about children who are happy, joyful, at peace with themselves, obey the rules, respect their elders, have a sense of responsibility and awareness, have a sense of belonging to their family, homeland, nation and flag, have respect for family values, have a feeling for fine arts, have a love of nature. It is expressed in a language that is poetic and suitable for children's psychology, so that they can grow up as individuals who protect nature, can distinguish between good and bad, are hard-working, professional, have human values, can dream, are productive, have self-confidence, have faith, are patriotic and have a national identity. In our study, we examined the ideas, feelings and values that Muttalip Taş wanted to impart to children. In this context, we focused on the poet's rich cultural background and educator sensitivity, and what kind of perspective he included, as well as his efforts to establish an artistic bond between the work, the reader, and the poet.


Muttalip Taş. Poet, Poetry, Education, Idea, Feeling, Values.
