Mevlânâ and Mevlevism in the Leylâ Hanım's Divân
It is too important to be ignored the influence of Mevlevism which is wrapped inside the systematic face of the teachings of Mevlana on our literature. Many Mevlevi divân poets committing themselves to the path of Mevlana and shaping their lives and arts with his teachings have grown up.These poets have kneaded their poems with the Mevlana’s tolerance, pacifism and the view embracing the human being; they have built their arts with the sparks from his divine love fire and with the breath of loveloaded. Of course,those who have the effect of Mevlana on their Works are not only the poets grown in the Mevlevi district. Almost every poet has got a share from his divine affection river. There are also female poets in the divân literature committing their arts and lives to the path of Mevlana as well as the poets such as Neshati, Fahim-i Kadim, Seyh Galib, Esrâr Dede, Avni from Yenişehir. As one of the main sources of poetry of Leylâ Hanım who has also been a Mevlevi from the 19th century poets, Mevlana and the place of his Works cannot be denied. Indeed, Leylâ Hanım is a poet who has stayed in Mevlana's attachment in terms of both worldview and understanding of poetry and penned him and the poems dealing with his teachings. The purpose of this study is to reveal how Mevlana was assessed by a female Mevlevi poet and there by to illustrate the reflections of Mevlana's ideas in divân poetry.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish-Islamic literature, Tasavvuf, Mevlevism, Divan poetry, Leylâ Hanım