The Thema Circus and Thematic Relationship in the Poem Named “Akdeniz Ufkunda Güneş Batarken Vicânımdan Gelen Hâtifî Ses”
Most of literary criticism theories present an ontological model for the structure of literary work. In these ontological models the themes are usually placed together with the other elements of literary works within a certain hierarchy and the analyzes are made accordingly. But in the models, the relations between the themes are often passed on; therefore, the thematic direction is depicted away from the inner approach, while the conclusion of literary works is problematized. In this review, an attempt will be made to make contributions to the ontological models in existing literary criticism theories by taking a number of descriptions of the internal relations of thematic structure in literary works. Riza Tevfik Bölükbaşı, one of the great poets of the II. Meşrutiyet era, will be exemplified through the poem "Akdeniz Ufkunda güneş Batarken Vicdânımdan Gelen Hâtifî Ses".
Anahtar Kelimeler
Literary criticism, ontological model, thema circus, thematic relationship