
Theepıcs, importantsources of Turkish culture and literature, religious-mystical folk literature of Turkish products. Bless the lives of a parent, its affiliates, and toensure the spread of the cult followers post epıcs the purposes of educating the society and values that provide information about the social structure of semi-sacred texts. Epıcs, has an important function in the expansion of Islam in Central Asia and Anatolia. Established in countries with increasing prevalence of the Islamic Sufiorders, who under the influence of Turkish society, and in a short time has become a common type epıcs. Turks’ pre-Islamic belief system that has important functions in society ‘poet’ and ‘cam’s; experience an expansion of mystical literature ‘saint’ has evolved into the so-called strong character. Sufis, certain training procedures and human breeding performance of their duties masses disseminated his thought sthrough art and literature. One of the Mawlânâ, who made this mission, the representative of Anatolia. Its predecess or, which has a vast knowledge of mystics Mawlânâ, Mathnawistory, a lot has included in his book. In this study, Mawlânâ’s Mathnawi in the name of thee pıcs, summarized and brief information about the life stories of the after saints, the saints’ names and the date is given on the basis of the criterion of knowledge of personality Mathnawi’ epıcs classified. In addition, study advice at the epıcsend of this and thise pıcs, the narrative summarizing the purpose of Mevlana is given and discussed.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Mawlânâ, Mathnawi, Epıcs, Saint