
A Morphological Comparison For Detection Of Belonging On Two Works Attributed Ahmed Fakih
Ahmed Fakih is one of important people produced literary work on Anadolu area in 13. Century. There are two works known belonging the poet and scientific publications of these works (Çarh-nâme 1956, Kitâbu Evsâfı Mesâcidi’ş-Şerife 1974) were done years ago. The information we have given about the poet and his works was accepted on the literature of this field but it was argued that there were more than one poets with the same name and these works might be belong to different poets (see Osman Fikri Sertkaya “Ahmed Fakih Anadolu'da Türkçe Eserler Veren Mutasavvıf Şair”). The aim of our paper is to make clear the discussions by doing a morphological comparison for detection of belonging based on transcribed texts. Surely comparison of works can be done in terms of fonology, vocabulary, sentax and literary style apart form morphology. The reason of our morphological preference is that morphology presents more perceptible evidences. It may regard positive side of comparison that both of works will be discussed are poetical but the important difference between couplet numbers of the works can do problematic some results will be obtained. Verb categories having multiple morphemes will be prefer on scanning of the works. These categories were determined as verbals (verbal nouns, verbal adjectives, gerundiums) and predicate categories (tense, modality, person). Within the method of this paper, every work will be scanned considering the categories determined above and a visual comparison will be made possible by combining all data obtained in one table. Next, a conclusion will be acquired by evaluating in terms of the data on the table.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Old Anatolian Turkish, Ahmed Fakih, Çarh-name, Kitâbu Evsâfı Mesâcidi’ş-Şerife