
An Example For Lıvıng Human Treasures: Samovar Master Ömer Acar
The transfer of cultural elements of a society to the future is of great importance for cultural continuity. Traditional crafts, which are a cultural element, continue to live as an element of concrete and intangible cultural heritage by being carried by masters from past to present. UNESCO called them the living human treasures to emphasize their duties. The survival of these craftsmen who have traditional knowledge and experience, grown from the hands of a craftsman and whose number is gradually diminishing today is seen as equivalent to the survival of their art. In this study, Ömer Acar who lives in Vezirköprü district of Samsun constitutes the main focus. Omer Usta is the oldest and most experienced of the two craftsmen who make hand-made samovar in the district. He is the master of Vezirköprü flat samovar which possesses geographical sign certificate. He manufactures the samovars by hand. Therefore, three or four samovars per month can be manufactured. Although many samovars are made with technological machinery in the region, he has transformed the samovar production from a craft to an art by keeping the tradition alive. For this reason, he deserves to be named as a living human treasure. As a result, tea consumption, which occupies an indispensable place in the daily life of the Turks, revealed a traditional art through the samovar and the tradition has been kept alive by the samovar masters; thus, it has been concluded that Ömer Acar could be considered as a living human treasure.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Unesco, living human treasure, Vezirköprü, samovar, Samovar Master Ömer Acar.