Hendiadyoins In The Old Uyghur Uṣṇīṣa Vijayā Dhāraṇī Sūtra
The hendiadyoin that come from using two synonyms or opposite concepts together to reinforce, strengthen or make meaningful, reveal the existence of a developed and processed language in terms of its contributions to the text, considering the examples it has in terms of Turkic language history. Since the times when the Turkic language can be followed with written texts, the hendiadyoins known for their intensification and harmony in the development and flow of expression both verbally and in writing are one of the basic features of the Old Uyghur Turkic period. Preferred hendiadyoins in the spreading of foreign religious terms in the language of religious terminology, which are mostly based on the teachings of Buddhism and Manichaism, is a language event worth examining in terms of its contributions to religious terminology. In this regard, U??i?a Vijaya Dhara?i Sutra, which is one of the important texts of Uyghur Turks under Mongolian rule and basically in Tantric Turkish Buddhism based on Tibetan Buddhism, was examined in terms of hendiadyoins, and it was understood that the number of hendiadyoins determined by the work was 42. The hendiadyoin determined by U??i?a Vijaya Dhara?i Sutra are divided into 2 titles in the form of synonyms and cognate hendiadyoins in this study, and by examining in terms of phonetics and morphology, it is tried to show that the language of the Old Uyghur Turkic period is developed and processed in U??i?a Vijaya Dhara?i Sutra.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Old Uyghur Turkic, Hendiadyoins, Tantric Turkish Buddhism, Etymology and U??i?a Vijaya Dhara?i Sutra