“Cemal” As A Tragıc Character In The Death Relations Of Selim İleri
One of the most important names in the Turkish novel, Selim İleri reveals cultural corruption, distorted relationships, broken family ties, and unacceptable sexual tendencies of society in his novel Ölüm İlişkileri (The Death Relations). This work deals with the search for the self brought by the modern world and the dislinkage between family, tradition, and society among young people. The love, respect, and friendship relationships of a group of young people who are fond of their freedom are often presented to the reader in a negative language. Cemal, one of the characters of this novel, appears as an extraordinary person. Cemal is also the most tragic character of the novel. The concept of homosexuality, which the modern world offers as a legitimate form of relationship, is embodied in the character of “Cemal”.
“Cemal”, who is constantly brought to the fore with its gay identity, reveals the Turkish society's view of sexuality. In the character where the subconscious impulses are not suppressed, the person tries to impose himself on the society as he feels. This is not easy for “Cemal”. Especially, his sexual orientation and his work as a translator are constantly humiliated and mocked by his boyfriends in environments where he is absent. Since Cemal does not see the interest he wants from his friend, Uğur, whom he is passionately connected with, his life turns into a spiral of unhappiness. Cemal, whose social and economic life is tragic, presents a different reading analysis of the characters with the subconscious and collective unconscious impulses in the novel.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cemal, Homosexuality, Modern Age, Dislinkage, Purgatory