Based on Devoicings /b/ > /p/ ve /c/ >/ç/ in the Copy of Esrârü’l-?Ârifîn I.U. Nadir Eserler Library
Esrârü’l-?Ârifîn is a poem in which prophet parables take place. In addition to prophet parables, there are various types of hearsays, legendary events pass through mahatmas and exemplary incidents, too. The work has been written with soft and fluidally language that carries the characteristics of language of Old Anatolian Turkish.
One of the copies of Esrârü’l-?Ârifîn is found in the Nadir Eserler Library of Istanbul University Ty.7. The work has been written in unpointed naskh between 1474-264 pages. In that copy there are desonorizations on the highest degree both at the beginning of the word and within it. These desonorizations are mostly seen in Turkish words, sometimes they can be found in quoted words. Devoicings are usually seen in root of a word, partly they are seen in affirmatives, such as verbal adverbs, equatives and diminutives. First of all, there will be given a short information about Esrârü’l-?Ârifîn, then devoicings are recognized like /b/ >/p/ and /c/ > /ç/ have been exemplified by dwelling on the possibilities in this work.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Esrârü’l-?Ârifîn, Old Anatolian Turkish, dialect, devoicing.