
An Analysis On The Gülşen-i Edeb Magazine
Newspapers and magazines have undoubtedly played a decisive role in the emergence and development of a new Western literature in Turkish literature. Especially between the years 1876-1908, which is described as “Literature of The II. Abdulhamid Period”, the magazines gained a literary appearance with the effect of social and political conditions. In this period, although there were magazines that were published for a long time such as Servet-i Fünûn and Malûmat, which gave direction to literature and provided the formation of literary schools, it is also frequently encountered with magazines that ended their publication life in a short time. These publications, which have been overshadowed in the history of literature and the press, are remarkable in that they contain the artistic understanding of the period and the works of important writers and poets. In this context, Gülşen-i Edeb, which started its publishing life in the period when Servet-i Fünûn literature was dominant, is a short-term magazine published between 16 March 1899-4 May 1899. This magazine, which includes many important writers and poets of the period, has only been published in 8 issues, although it has made an assertive debut. This article aims to contribute to the field with the introduction, content evaluation and index of Gülşen-i Edeb magazine.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Gülşen-i Edeb, Magazine, Literature