
Near-Synonyms in a Sentence in Dede Korkut
Dede Korkut, whose roots date back to the Epic Period, is one of the most important works of Turkish. The importance of the work, which was written down later, comes not from the events described, but from the way the events are told, the language used in the narration of the events. One of the most important narrative features of the work is the use of words with near-synonyms in the same sentence. In Dede Korkut, near-synonyms are used one after the other in the same sentence in order to prevent the mediocrity arising from the ongoing narration and the decrease in the emotional value of the expressions over time. With these words, most of which are verbs, the narration has been made more vivid and effective, and the concepts have been expressed and emphasized in different ways. In Dede Korkut, who has a very high level of language with the words used in the narration of the events, the semantic events seen in the words, the rhythm and harmony in the words sequenced one after the other, around three hundred words with near-synonyms that are often repeated in different sentences have been identified. There are slight differences in meaning between the words that make up these words. The fact that there are many words with small meaning differences and the use of these words together is related to the richness of Turkish vocabulary and its power to express details. These words, which show that the language has added new meanings to its existing words over time and opened new ways of expression, also add an aesthetic dimension and a poetic beauty to the expression, reveal that Turkish is a processed, productive, fruitful, language with high expressive power.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Dede Korkut, vocabulary, near-synonyms.