
The Structure and Content in Masnavi of Beng ü Bade
ABSTRACT Since the masnavi verse form is formed by the rhyming of each couplet among themselves,it has allowed the poets to process long subjects. Generally,the masnavi form was preferred in the writing of instructive,religious,moral,mystical subjectes and long love stories. It is seen that the masnavis contain similar features with the novel and story ,which are modern narrative genres, in terms of their structural features and narrative techniques.Approaching the text based on these similarities and analyzing the text in the light modern narrative techniques will reveal the richness in the expression and processing of the masnavi. Beng u Bade, the first Masnavi of Fuzuli, was dedicated to Şah İsmail and consists of 444 couplets. The work is based on making non-human inanimate objects talk.Beng u Bade, who are the main characters of the work, are assigned a role that overlaps with their natural features. The author draws attention to the harms of wine and cannabis through these two heroes,and it is thought that Bade and Beng symbolize some historical and political personalities such as Shah İsmail and Bayezid ll.Masnavi is also an inner monolugue. It is seen that novel and story analysis techniques such as description and dialogue are used successfully.In this study, Fuzuli’s Beng u Bade was examined in terms of features such as event, place,time,people,point of view, language-narration, based on novel and story analysis methods.In addition,the stories told by the heroes in the work reminds us of the inner story technique, and the selection of inanimate objects and giving them important roles reminds us of the scenes in which non-human beings are spoken, which we see in modern and postmodern novels in a different way from the traditional.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Beng u Bade, Fuzuli, masnavi, structural, content, method.