
17th Century Divan Poet Ördek-zade Mustafa Nazım and His Divan

For classical Turkish literature, the 17th century was a period in which the literary splendor captured in the previous century continued. In this century, besides the great poets whose names are mentioned with certain styles, hundreds of poets not only grew up, but also numerous works in verse and prose were written. Some of these works have survived to the present day, while others have not survived due to various reasons. Poetry journals, together with biographical sources and biographies, have a great importance in bringing out such poets and their works whose works have not survived to the present day. One of the divan poets who grew up in this period and whose work has not survived to the present day is Ördek-zade Mustafa Nazım. The poet whose life is very limited in biographies and biographical sources, is from Istanbul and his real name is Mustafa. Nazım, He who first became the chief caliph in the janissary pen and later the master of the janissary, passed away in 1107/1695-96. No copy of this work of the poet who is stated to be the owner of a rich Divan in the sources, is not available for now. Although this work of Nazım is not available, there are enough poems of the poet to constitute a divan in the poetry journal registered in the National Library with the archive number 06 Hk 1204/1. In this study, information about Ördek-zade Nazım’s life was given, after focusing on the form and content features of his poems, some evaluations were made on his literary personality based on existing poems. Afterwards, the translated texts of these poems are included.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Classical Turkish Literature, 17th Century, Ördek-zade Mustafa Nazım, Divan
