Type Of Lover In Âşik Style Turkish Poetry Tradition
In Âşik style Turkish poetry tradition, the primary subjects referred to from the past to the present are love and lover. Folk poets approached the depiction of the person they loved or their dream lover in different dimensions. Some folk poets expressed the physical features of the lover, while others expressed the lover’s attitudes towards specific events. Âşik tells about the type of lover in societal life by isolating from the real life in an exaggerated way as an unreachable fairy or houri. The depiction of lover in Divan poetry and folk poetry are different from each other. In Divan poetry, even if all the physical features of a lover are mentioned, the name is not. However, the beauty or the lover in folk poetry is seen as a more down-to-earth, more realistic and concrete type with her behaviors. In this study, we will present with which aspects beauty/lover is addressed within Âşik style Turkish poetry tradition.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Âşik style Turkish poetry, lover, elements of beauty, type