
A minstrel in Gaziantep: Mızarlı Âşık Memet

One of the important qualities of the minstrel literary tradition representatives is their ability to improvise; that is, to deliver impromptu (irticali) speech. The Barak Plain or Barak Region where the impromptu speech fused into people's daily lives and even the common folk is equipped with this talent hosts many minstrels. Mızarlı Aşık Memet, renowned for his talent of delivering impromptu poems, was ranked first in many competitions in the field of "Lyrical Improvised Folk Songs" and gained a well-deserved fame in the region. This article presents the life, art and works of Mızarlı Aşık Memet under the light of information gathered with interviews with his family, relatives, close friends, countrymen and leading figures in the region.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Mızarlı Aşık, Sarıkız, Barak, lyrical improvised folk song, improvisation
