
Analysis On Perception Of Language And Literature By Metaphors
The core of metaphor is to evaluate the differences of interpretation about the experienced events and situations of humans. If you reveal images for a concept in the minds, it will be available to current perception which has in mind for the concept. Determining the students’ metaphors will provide important clues for use in the field of education. In this study, students were asked to create a metaphor and explain the causations for determining their perspectives about mother language, forein language and literature. There are 128 students (5, 6, 7 and 8. grade) in the primary group, 91 students (9, 10, 11 and 12. grade) in the intermediate group and 28 students (1, 2, 3 and 4. grade in university) in the upper group. Prepared a form with five blanks and ask the participants to fill the blank using with a metaphor. Participation will be voluntary in the study. Metaphors created by the participants were analyzed. Although there was a metaphor if there was no causation about the metaphor the form was not acceptable in the study. Then the main themes identified about metaphors and data were processed and reviewed. content analysis technique was used. So a kind of ‘ultrasoud about the perceptions’ is made. Determining themes are; basic needs, sense of belonging, people have the condition, problems and subject areas for 1. and 2. questions; needs, entertainment and torture for 3. question; reading habits, emotional progress, educational materials and waste of time for 4. and 5. questions.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish, language perception, foreign language, literature perception, metaphor-