Travel writings, which are a kind of archive of impressions of the place, shed light on their period in many ways. One of the remarkable points in such texts, which are shaped according to the perception of space of the eras, is that the author's knowledge or view of life can be indirectly presented to today's readers. Towards the end of the 19. century an ordinary person who resides in Istanbul finds it worthy to write down his impressions of his trip to another city. Many reasons, especially the negativities caused by the alphabet change and not being famous in its era, prevent the seeing and evaluation of such works for a long time. İbnü'l Celal Sezâî's work named Travel to Bursa, which was written in 1890 is a travel treatise that has waited until today among Ottoman books because it was not a well-known name in its period. An ordinary Ottoman youth, İbnü'l Celal, goes out of Istanbul for the first time in his life and records various places he visited during his one-week stay in Bursa as a travel note. The most striking aspect of this work, which points out Bursa's place in the Ottoman Empire in the 1890s with civil attention, is the evident love of history and nature. Celal Sezai's impressions of this trip, which he started to take notes on the ferry while going from Istanbul to Bursa, ends on the ferry he boarded on the way back to Istanbul. In this study, this work, which was written about the daily life in Bursa at the end of the 19th century, will focus on the places to visit, eating and drinking, clothing, trade, history, and literature. Thus, the reception of the literary understanding of the period that wanted to reach the public by someone who did not take part in these communities will be exemplified by this text.
Travel writings,İbnü’l Celal Sezai, Bursa’ya Seyahat,19.century Turkish literature.