The great Turkish poet Amîr Nizâmeddîn Alî Shîr Navâ’î is the pioneer and the most important representative of the Turkish world, Turkish literature and Chagatai field Turkish literature. Alî Shîr Navâ’î has many works in verse and prose of literary, biography, language analysis, religious and moral, historical, documentary, etc., the value and influence of which have been recognised and appreciated from his time to the present day. Navâ’î has four Turkish divans which he gathered together under the name of Khaza’in al-ma’ani and named Ghara’ıb al-sighar, Nawâdir al-shabab, Badâ’i al-wasat and Fawâ’ıd al-kibar. In our study, it is aimed to update the information on this subject by identifying, recommending and examining the copies of Navâ’î’s Nawâdir al-shabab, which is one of the four Turkish divans mentioned in some manuscript catalogues, some studies on manuscripts and some studies on the divan. In line with the information obtained from various studies and the copies obtained personally, the presence of Nawâdir al-shabab in the copies of which information was obtained was tried to be analysed. In this context, Dîvân, Dîvân-ı Navâ’î, Kulliyat-ı Navâ’î, Khaza’in al-ma’ani, Külliyât-ı Davâvîn, Çahâr Dîvân, Çâr Dîvân, recorded with names such as Nawâdir al-shabab or containing poems from Nawâdir al-shabab; the 57 copies found in Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iran, Russia, England, Georgia, Germany, America, Azerbaijan, France, India, Scotland, Hungary, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and the 2 copies that are incorrectly recorded as Nawâdir al-shabab in the catalogues are discussed in descending order according to the countries and the number of copies found in these countries. The information obtained about each of these copies is given according to the basic subheadings such as the name of the manuscript, the name of the author, the place of the manuscript, the year of the manuscript, number of folio, the content, etc.
Alî Shîr Navâ’î, Nawâdir al-shabab, dîvân, copy, manuscript